65 Harristown Road, 2nd Floor
Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Tel:(201) 447 4447 Fax:(201) 447 5077
All services necessary to maximize your collections are included in this option. You only need to send us your work, either by scanning and electronically uploading it to us, or by mailing it to us, or having us pick it up from your office. Please see the Services page for a detailed list of services.

No wasted time and effort on trying to get your claims paid
No hardware or software to buy and support
Multiple Redundant backups of your data
Web Access to all your data, including ability to run any reports

Turn Around Time
If you electronically send us a day’s worth of work every day, it will be completed overnight
You will see the results on the web site the next morning

Data Access
Real-Time Web access to all your patient billing and payment records
Access to view/print your original documents
Web site completely exposes our service, allowing you to freely verify the extent and accuracy of our work
24/7 availability to all commonly used Practice Management reports
Interactive web site, can be used to send missing information or necessary updates

Your Responsibility
Send us your work either by scanning and electronically uploading it to us, or by mail, or by having us pick it up
Monitor the Incomplete Information section, and send us any missing information

Your Resource Requirement
1 hour per week for every $40,000 in monthly collections.
Time requirements may vary slightly depending on if you scan your work, and the quality and completeness of your scanned documents

Software and Hardware
Free State-of-the-Art Patient Scheduler. Allows you to point and click to schedule appointments. Print Day Sheets and Receipts
No hardware or software required. Web site is available from any browser from any computer connected to the internet.

Transition Time to Claimpower
1 week If you do not want us to convert any existing data
3 – 4 weeks If we convert data from your existing software


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